Return to Ready

Return to Ready

A client recently shared the concept Return to Ready – close a task fully, so it’s easier to pick up again. I’ve been using it in ways as simple as unpacking/repacking my bag when home from work, so it’s ready to pick up quickly in the morning, to processing emails to...


We all have to-do lists, and diaries, and reminders blinking on our screens, and yet, all we sometimes want is a good note-taking app – a useful tool if you want to leave your tasks ready for you when you return (see my favourite experiment below). One with...


Have you heard of the Pomodoro technique? The idea is to divide your time in chunks of 25 minutes, and evaluate how many chunks you need to complete one task. Knowing, you can organise your day into more productive chunks of work, and make sure you give...
Smarter Time

Smarter Time

I read about this app in the newspaper and thought you too would find if of interest. Using your location and input, Smarter Time automatically produces a calendar that helps you track your habits and identify what you spend (or waste) time on. A good tool if you can...