Busy Trap

Busy Trap

This article from The New York Times, The Busy Trap, is longer than I usually recommend but the content is so thought provoking I had to share. Busy is defined as the self imposed extras we feel we have to cram into our lives while idleness is said to be as...
Google Rest Time

Google Rest Time

I enjoyed taking 5 minutes to consider this article on how Google employees cope with stress. As a busy bunch who, like many, can suffer the inability to switch off their ‘internal operating system,’ the threat of burn out is high. The main point to take...
Time wasted at meetings

Time wasted at meetings

A story in Business Insider UK this week claims that most office workers in the UK get distracted during meetings and even work on other things or fall asleep. This blatant waste of time is costly – to the tune of £29 billion each year according to one report....
Value of Apps

Value of Apps

Does having productivity apps make you more productive? Only if you use them. In this article, Suzanne Zuppello encourages more awareness when it comes to choosing efficiency tech. She says only choose solutions that fix pain points and aren’t a distraction. She...